Friday, July 17, 2020

Potential Long-Term Effects of Hypertension During Pregnancy

An experienced OB/GYN, Shawanda Renee Obey, MD, utilizes her more than 15 years of experience as a medical professional in caring for a large number of obstetrics patients. She prides herself on serving as an advocate for fighting against race-based health care disparities and improving the care of women from underserved communities. Shawanda Renee Obey, MD, also has significant experience in related obstetrics and gynecology issues, including cervical and breast cancer screenings and hypertensive disorders during pregnancy.

Hypertension is a relatively common complication that women can experience during pregnancy, with varying degrees of severity. Around 6 to 8 percent of pregnant women are affected by hypertensive disorders, and hypertension lands second on the list of leading causes of maternal morbidity for the United States. Though hypertension in pregnancy is primarily viewed as an obstetrical disorder, there is increasing interest in research on the long-term health effects of hypertension during pregnancy on the rest of a woman’s life.

Gestational hypertension, which occurs when women that have not had high blood pressure before experience it during pregnancy, can potentially lead to more serious hypertensive disorders, like preeclampsia. A potentially dangerous condition, preeclampsia can lead to women developing diastolic dysfunction, where the blood does not fill the heart correctly. This condition can also be an early warning sign of heart failure.

Early studies have shown that women who suffer from preeclampsia during pregnancy may be up to twice as likely as women with uncomplicated pregnancies to develop heart and kidney failure later in life. Though more research and greater diversity in the subjects is needed for usable data, at the very least it suggests that women with a history of preeclampsia would be wise to seek out preventative care and monitor their health regularly.