Thursday, May 14, 2020

AAPS Calls for Repeal of Medicare and ACA Restrictions

Drawing on experience caring for patients with a number of medical groups, Shawanda Renee Obey, MD, works with the Northeast Valley Health Corporation as a supervising physician, where she performs minimally invasive outpatient procedures. In addition, Shawanda Renee Obey, MD, is a member of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), which provides educational resources and support to medical professionals.

The organization has issued a white paper arguing that Medicare and Affordable Care Act (ACA) restrictions should be repealed, highlighting those that prevent medical professionals from offering affordable options to uninsured patients. In the white paper, which appears in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, AAPS executive director Jane M. Orient, MD, claims that this would provide millions of Americans with more options for their insurance.

She also argues that current restrictions would lead to increasing costs, as well as a decrease in the quality of health care patients receive. As such, AAPS suggests removing these restrictions would allow medical professionals who accept Medicare to provide services to more patients, which would result in an expansion of overall healthcare coverage.