Monday, May 4, 2020

Three Symptoms of Physician Burnout that Affect Patient Outcomes

Shawanda Renee Obey, MD, is an obstetrician and gynecologist working in the San Fernando Valley area as an independent contractor and a supervising physician for NorthEast Valley Health. As an MD, Dr. Shawanda Renee Obey is familiar with the issue of physician burnout and the problems it can cause for both doctors and patients.

Physician burnout has been on the rise, thanks in part to modern health metrics and a comparative culture in healthcare. One of the most obvious symptoms is exhaustion. Physicians may feel emotionally and physically depleted to the point that it affects their ability to care for others.

They may also become cynical as a result of long-term stress. This is particularly nefarious because empathy is a physician’s stock in trade, and a cynical attitude impairs a doctor's ability to connect with patients and staff, ultimately affecting how all involved care for patients.

Finally, and perhaps most damaging, is doubt. When doctors begin to doubt the impact they’re making for patients it can lead to profound dissatisfaction, resulting in depression and even suicide.